Microsoft 365’s VPN feature will be shut off at the end of the month

Microsoft 365’s VPN feature will be shut off at the end of the month

Last month, Microsoft announced that it was increasing the prices for consumer Microsoft 365 plans for the first time since introducing them as Office 365 plans more than a decade ago. Microsoft is using new Copilot-branded generative AI features to justify the price increases, which amount to an extra $3 per month or $30 per year for both individual and family plans.

But Microsoft giveth (and chargeth more) and Microsoft taketh away; according to a support page, the company is also removing the “privacy protection” VPN feature from Microsoft 365’s Microsoft Defender app for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. Other Defender features, including identity theft protection and anti-malware protection, will continue to be available. Privacy protection will stop functioning on February 28.

Microsoft didn’t say exactly why it was removing the feature, but the company implied that not enough people were using the service.

“We routinely evaluate the usage and effectiveness of our features. As such, we are removing the privacy protection feature and will invest in new areas that will better align to customer needs,” the support note reads.

Cutting features at the same time that you raise prices for the first time ever is not, as they say, a Great Look. But the Defender VPN feature was already a bit limited compared to other dedicated VPN services. It came with a 50GB per user, per month data cap, and it automatically excluded “content heavy traffic from reputable sites” like YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp.

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