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An endomorph is a human body type, or somatotype, characterized by a larger bone structure, midsection, and hips. This body type typically carries more fat and has a naturally slow metabolism, causing endomorphs to gain fat quickly and lose fat more slowly.
Other body types include mesomorph (characterized by a medium bone structure and a strong metabolism) and ectomorph (characterized by narrow shoulders and hips and a fast metabolism). Most people have a combination of characteristics from each type.
Endomorphs can make the most of their unique body composition by staying physically active and eating a balanced diet of nutrient-rich foods, improving their overall health and well-being.
People with an endomorph body type tend to carry more fat throughout their bodies. People with this body type have a naturally slow metabolism and a shorter and wider bone structure with a larger abdomen (belly) and hips.
Endomorphs tend to have shorter arms and legs. While endomorphs may have higher levels of body fat than other body types, they can lose body fat by keeping active and eating whole, nutrient-rich foods.
Some research has found a few distinct differences in endomorph body types. One study examined levels of asymmetry (a lack or absence of symmetry/sameness on both sides) in different body types. They found that endomorphs had significantly greater asymmetry in arm fat than mesomorphs and ectomorphs.
The study also found that endomorphs assigned male at birth had less asymmetry of lower-limb fat than endomorphs assigned female at birth and the other two body types. The endomorph group also had the smallest variations in arm muscle mass compared to the other two body type groups.
This study was conducted on a younger group of people, so more research is needed on other ages of the population.
Experts recommend people with an endomorph body type eat a low-calorie diet high in protein (about 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight), along with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. This diet supports fat loss and the growth of lean muscle mass.
Fish, poultry, eggs, and tofu are recommended proteins for endomorph body types. Healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, and nuts are also ideal, as are complex carbohydrates like whole grains (e.g., oatmeal and brown rice). To control weight or reduce belly fat, endomorphs should avoid refined sugar and limit alcohol, salt, and high-calorie foods.
Some research shows that people with endomorph body types should aim to eat less fat and more protein. Other research has also found that some endomorphs are more sensitive to carbohydrates and the hormone insulin.
Some experts recommend that endomorphs with insulin sensitivity consume moderate (instead of low) amounts of carbohydrates, a low-glycemic index diet, and adequate amounts of protein. A low-glycemic diet includes foods with a less severe effect on blood sugar, helping blood sugar levels rise more gradually.
Before changing your diet or starting a weight-loss plan, speak to a healthcare provider such as a medical doctor or a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). They can help create a personalized nutrition plan to aid in weight loss or improve overall health.
Endomorphs should participate in regular physical activity to improve and maintain overall health. This can include cardio exercises like walking, running, or cycling, as well as resistance (strength) training. High-intensity exercise can also be helpful for endomorphs who want to lose body fat.
It is also important for endomorphs to increase their non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) activity throughout the day. NEAT activity consists of active, non-exercise movements, such as household cleaning, walking through a mall, or using a standing desk.
Establishing a regular exercise routine of cardio and resistance training may make it possible for endomorphic bodies to become more mesomorphic—a more muscular body type—over time.
Some endomorphs may have an underlying health condition that can lead to weight gain, such as diabetes or thyroid deficiency. Low physical or NEAT activity levels and eating more calories than the body burns each day can also lead to higher body fat levels in endomorphs.
Despite having more body fat, endomorphs can still be metabolically healthy. To maintain health, they can participate in regular physical activity and eat a balanced diet rich in nutritious, whole foods.
To ensure optimal health, people with an endomorph body type should see a healthcare provider to identify and manage or treat any underlying health conditions.
Being an endomorph has some unique advantages. Endomorphs are ideal body types for elite sports, such as water, cycling, and combat sports. They can also achieve mesomorph qualities through resistance training (which builds muscle) and a balanced diet rich in protein.
Research has also found that the body types of athletes can vary depending on the sport’s technical and strategic demands and across different competition levels (local, national, or international).
Studies have found that elite athletes can be primarily mesomorphic with ectomorphic qualities or primarily mesomorphic with endomorphic qualities. However, most people are a combination of body types, and your body type does not necessarily determine your athletic ability.
One study found that elite athletes with a higher level of endomorph characteristics performed better in sports after reducing their dietary fat intake and increasing their protein intake. This change lowered the athletes’ body fat percentage and increased muscle mass, supporting optimal athletic performance.
Endomorph is a human body type characterized by larger bone structure and higher levels of body fat, especially around the midsection and hips. Endomorphs can achieve optimal health by eating a nutritious, nutrient-rich diet and staying physically active.
If endomorphs want to lose fat and gain lean muscle mass, they can see results by eating a low-calorie, low-sugar, high-protein diet with moderate carbohydrates and healthy fats. Before undertaking any new dietary plan, speak to a healthcare provider.
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