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Whether you’re trying to lose weight or eat healthier, it’s important to eat nutritious, filling foods that are lower in calories. Not all high-calorie foods are unhealthy, but some are low in filling nutrients, like fiber and protein, making it easy to overeat them.
Many high-calorie foods and drinks are full of added sugar and refined carbohydrates, which can negatively impact blood sugar control and lead to health complications like diabetes if consumed too often.
Unfortunately, there are many foods and drinks that pack more calories and added sugar than you may realize.Â
Felicia Cinca / Getty Images
Soda is one of the most common drinks in the world. Unlike other drinks like fruit juice and milk, soda offers no nutritional value. Drinking soda can significantly increase your calorie intake and lead to chronic health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, heart disease, and obesity.
An 18-ounce serving of Coca-Cola, for example, has 215 calories and over 50 grams (12.5 teaspoons) of added sugar. Drinking soda every day can increase your calorie intake, causing weight gain over time.
Numerous studies have shown that sweetened drinks like soda can lead to weight gain in children and adults, regardless of how much physical activity people get.
Studies also show that replacing drinks sweetened with sugar with non-caloric beverages like water results in weight loss.
If you’d like to reduce the amount of soda you drink, try swapping soda for sparkling water with a splash of fruit juice or sparkling unsweetened tea.Â
Danny Lehman / Getty Images
Candy is high in calories and added sugar while offering little nutritional value. It is also low in protein and fiber, which help keep you full, so it is very easy to overeat it. This can lead to weight gain.Â
A 62-gram pack of Skittles contains 251 calories, 47 grams (11.75 teaspoons) of added sugar, and less than 1 gram of protein and fiber.
A recent study on 6,600 people over 30 years found that those with higher added sugar intake gained 5 pounds (2.3 kilograms) more weight, saw a 0.8 inch (2.2 centimeters) greater increase in waist circumference, and an increased risk of obesity and abdominal obesity.
To eat less candy, try replacing it with naturally sweet, fiber-rich fruit and monitoring your overall candy consumption.Â
i’am / Getty Images
Many people start their day with coffee. Plain coffee offers several health benefits, but drinks like frappuccinos and lattes can have surprising amounts of calories and added sugar.Â
A Caramel Brulée Frappuccino Blended Beverage from Starbucks, made with whole milk, has 400 calories and 58 grams (4.5 teaspoons) of added sugar. Routinely ordering this drink could cause weight gain and other health issues, like high blood sugar and fatty liver.
If you make your coffee at home, pay attention to the calories and added sugar in products like coffee creamers and flavored syrups. A 1-tablespoon serving of Coffee Mate Café Mocha Liquid Coffee Creamer has 35 calories and 5 grams of added sugar.
Anna Blazhuk / Getty Images
Smoothies and protein shakes can be healthy choices as long as they contain healthy ingredients. Unfortunately, many premade and made-to-order smoothies and protein shakes contain a lot of calories and sugar.
A large Strawberry Banana Premium Fruit Smoothie from Orange Julius has 450 calories and 91 grams of sugar. The menu doesn’t disclose how much of that is added sugar, but the smoothie contains both corn syrup and sugar syrup.Â
If you’d like to control the ingredients in your smoothie or protein shake, it’s best to make your own at home. You can use healthy additives like pea protein powder, nut butters, and frozen fruit. You can also customize your order at smoothie establishments and ask them to leave out added sweeteners.Â
Krit of Studio OMG / Getty Images
Pastries and bagels are made with refined carbohydrates, which are low in fiber and protein. This means that they have a greater impact on your blood sugar levels and can leave you feeling hungry soon after eating. Studies show that people who follow diets high in refined carbohydrates are more at risk for developing obesity, type 2 diabetes, and several other health conditions.
A Dunkin’ Donuts Maple Cream Stick donut contains 460 calories and 34 grams (8.5 teaspoons) of added sugar. Combined with a large Dunkin’ Donuts Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee, this adds up to 1,230 calories.Â
To start your day in a healthier way, choose unsweetened or lightly sweetened coffee drinks and higher-protein options, such as an omelet, Greek yogurt parfait, or high-protein overnight oats.Â
bauwimauwi / Getty Images
Many energy drinks contain a lot of caffeine, which can leave you feeling jittery and anxious. They are also high in calories and added sugar.Â
A 16-ounce (473-milliliter) can of Rockstar Energy Drink has 260 calories, 63 grams (15.75 teaspoons) of added sugar, and 160 milligrams of caffeine—about two cups of coffee. Drinking multiple energy drinks a day could lead to excess calories, added sugar, and caffeine overconsumption, which can negatively impact overall health.Â
To avoid consuming too much caffeine, keep your intake to less than 400 milligrams per day.
Joel Villanueva / Getty Images
Alcoholic beverages, like beer, wine, and cocktails, can add extra calories to your diet, which can cause you to gain weight over time.
One study of 6,864 people found that harmful alcohol consumption, or heavy drinking, was associated with obesity, and frequent binge drinkers were more likely to have a large waist circumference.
It’s also important to note that drinking too much alcohol can harm your overall health, increasing your risk of liver disease, certain cancers, and many other health issues.
Alexander Spatari / Getty Images
Fast food is affordable and convenient, which is why it’s a staple in many people’s diets. It can be an option when you’re short on time, but it shouldn’t be eaten regularly.
Fast food is notoriously high in calories, salt, refined carbohydrates, and added sugars. A McDonald’s meal containing a Spicy Deluxe McCrispy, large fries, and a large Coke has 1,390 calories.Â
Consuming fast food too often can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, and more.
Krit of Studio OMG / Getty Images
Snacks like chips and pretzels are low in calories but easy to overeat. They tend to be low in protein and fiber, so you can eat large portions without feeling full.
Ultra-processed foods, like chips, cookies, and other snack foods, are linked to a greater risk of developing obesity.
If you’re looking for healthier snack options, try snacks high in protein and fiber, such as hummus and vegetables or cheese and fruit.
fcafotodigital / Getty Images
Most people regularly use sweeteners, such as sugar and honey, and condiments, such as salad dressing and mayonnaise. You don’t have to eliminate these foods, but it’s important to know that their calories can add up.
Dips and dressings can contain more than 100 calories per 2 tablespoons. Since most people consume more than the recommended serving size, calories can add up quickly.
Using large amounts of sweeteners can also lead to consuming excess calories. Two tablespoons of honey have 127 calories, which can add up if you consume sweeteners multiple times daily.
Peeradon Warithkorasuth / Getty Images
Some think frozen yogurt is better than ice cream because it’s typically lower in calories and fat. However, frozen yogurt toppings like candy can lead you to eat many more calories than if you had opted for a regular ice cream cone.
If you prefer frozen yogurt over ice cream, avoid sugary and high-calorie toppings such as crushed candy, hot fudge, and brownie bites, and opt for healthier options like fresh berries.Â
lacaosa / Getty Images
Trail mix can be an excellent choice when you need a high-calorie snack, but most people don’t realize how many calories a serving contains.
Some trail mixes have around 200 calories for just a quarter-cup serving. While this may not seem like many calories, a quarter cup is a small serving, and consuming double or triple this amount in a sitting can be easy. Pay attention to the serving size to ensure you’re keeping your calorie intake in check.
It’s also best to choose trail mixes made with healthy ingredients, like nuts and dried fruit, and limit your intake of trail mixes that contain sweets, like candy.Â
Following a healthy diet that limits foods known to contribute to health issues can help you maintain a healthy body weight and lower your risk of conditions like heart disease and diabetes.
Here are a few tips for healthy eating:
If you’re unsure where to start with healthy eating, consider making an appointment with your healthcare provider.
They may refer you to a registered dietitian who can help you develop an eating plan based on your health goals, underlying medical conditions, and dietary preferences.
There are a number of foods and drinks that contain more calories than you think. Overconsuming these foods can lead to weight gain and several other health issues.
Fortunately, there are ways to reduce your intake of these foods and replace them with healthier alternatives.Â
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